How to write multiple stories at once.

Or, at least, how I do it. Okay, not literally at the same time.

I found that I have done this since I began writing seriously, while I was working on edits with my first novel, I was writing another.

But editing one and writing one are two different things. On many occasions, I am writing two completely separate novels.



It’s not hard, and it’s not confusing, as people tend to ask when they inquire about what I’m working on.


Those of you who have followed me since the beginning know I am writing a sports figures biography, (it’s a secret until it drops – summer 2018). This is setting up meetings and talking and note taking. Next, I sit down and write out what we discussed. Draft one is complete, now we’re fine-tuning the details, and draft two will be done shortly. A project as such doesn’t take up much free time, as I can’t sit and write creatively for hours on end, I can only put into what it needs.


That leaves me plenty of creative time. I wasn’t sure what to write next, and I like to flip through my notebooks and see what idea’s I’ve jotted, or shorts I’ve written that could be expanded. I had written a two-page story entitled Wife N’ Death, which many readers commented they would love to see as a novel. Bingo. I began this novel and it’s in the works.


Simultaneously, an idea that my dad created for a story keep niggling in the back of my mind. His tale has espionage and intrigue and intelligence and is a challenge for me. One evening I decided to just get the beginning in, the easy part. And it snowballed into a grander idea, with added characters and plot lines.


I write the bio Sundays after my meetings. I write my creative horror when I’m in the mood for light spooky fun, and I write my dad’s novel when I’m feeling bored and in need of deeper thinking. (There is also flash fiction, articles, and a tv show at all times in progress too.)

Snapshot of my drive

Sat mornings I write this for you 😊

That is the secret to writing multiple books at once – do it with inspiration.

What are you working on? Share in the comments.


21 thoughts on “How to write multiple stories at once.

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  1. You sound busy Theresa. I’m not as brave as you so am working on one novel, my first one in fact which I’m very excited about. It’s Fantasy but the main protagonist is a fox. Something a bit different!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I tend to work on more than one project too. Mainly so I don’t get burnt. Leaving one writing piece to work on another gives me a chance to regroup and gather my thoughts while away from it. If I stay focused on just one I tend to get burnt out. I’m currently working on my first book “Reckless Beginnings” Book 2 “Better Endings” and I write topics for my blog in between,

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Just getting a novel WIP ready to publish (Z-War military fic) that I’ve been writing while also cranking out two shorts and most of a nonfic called “AfricanDaysHollywoodNights.” Not sure I recommend it but I’m also a musician and find that if I’m uninspired on my bass I can pick up the guitar or tinker with the piano and it gets better. So I’m probably dumb enough to do it again.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Wonderful blog post, Theresa. I’ve never worked on two book projects at once because I’ve always thought it was too hard, but this post has changed my attitude toward that. I’ll have to give it try. Thanks for blogging about this subject.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you, Theresa. I’ll let you know how it goes. I plan to start reading Kept this weekend or the first of the week. I’ll let you know when I post my review on Amazon and Goodreads. I look forward to reading it, and I love the cover.

        Liked by 2 people

  5. Aweseom, I’m always nervous when I know someone is reading one of my books. I’m still not used to hearing positive notes and that I’m talented! Funny (and a little sad) how hard it is to accept praise…hmmm maybe a blog idea!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m the same way. I get so nervous too and used to be really bad to doubt myself and have thoughts on my story isn’t good, and maybe I shouldn’t have published it, but I attended a Writer’s Support Group meeting at my local library one time and someone brought that up how we should no doubt yourself and write the best story we can. Yea, every now and then we’ll get a bad comment, but hold our head high and keep plugging away the keyboard and get better as we go along. After that evening, I changed my mindset and have keep pressing on every sense. I like your writing style. You have a talent to put your reader there in your scene with the characters to where it’s like they’re actually there. That takes work, and I like how you add details too along the way

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Great post. I’ve found recently and since my retirement, working on different projects at the same time keeps my writing fresh and increases my ouput. It’s great too having different projects to work on when inevitably you get an attack of ‘writers block’ on a particular WIP.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I blame my characters for me having one WIP. They fill my mind to the exclusion of any other ideas, but I do edit as I go, so each book is completed reasonably quickly… usually.

    I can see HOW your work slots together, Theresa, but I still find it incredible.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thanks for this post!

    I had a sudden bout of inspiration for 3 VERY different models around the same time. #1 is in the 2nd Act #2 Has a full novel outline and character profiles and #3 has a full novel outline.
    I feel compelled to at least start all of them as much as possible— I’m very excited/passionate about them and am trying not to be afraid of losing any momentum.

    Your post made me feel a bit braver, so thanks!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sometimes if my thoughts are too scattered I’ll take out the notebook and pen and jot down the story idea. I’ll write about the characters and where I think I want the story to go. I find by connecting with the page it calms my mind and helps me focus again
      At the very least I feel like I accomplished something, rather then pacing – lol


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