Imagine that?

People are always asking where writers get their ideas from. I’ve written about this before, as have many other writers. But here is a twist for you; it’s also the reason my grammar is so horrendously bad.

Okay maybe not the only reason-I have a less than stellar education-put that aside for another day.  Today I want to try and explain my mind to you.

This should be interesting.

Or not…

When I am writing, whether it’s a blog such as this or as simple as my grocery list, I don’t see words before me, I see images. The pictures or visions in my mind never shut off. Even when I’m reading, which is how I can miss so many errors… I have to concentrate hard to see them.

An easy example. I wrote a grocery list as:

Zety Doritos

mixed preztezls


And why would I write like that? Well my note pad doesn’t have auto-correct which I rely on heavily. And as I was writing I was seeing the burnt orange large bag of Zesty Doritos and the exact shelf they are in in the store.  Same with the mixed Pretzels, I saw the bag, which I now recall are named, Munchies, and again where they are located. For the tomatoes, I saw the big mound of almost ripe, juicy, red, tasty veggies and a few meals that required them. 

So if you catch a few missed errors (I do pay for professional editing by the way, no one is perfect) in my novels, please know it’s not that I don’t care. It’s that my imagination has the better of me, and I’m gad for it! My insane imagination creates the plots, characters, and everything that befalls them.

If only I could draw!

And what I was my mind seeing as I wrote this? Why I recalled writing the list, where I was standing, what I was wearing, who I was talking to, and laughing my ass off when I actually looked at my spelling.

That’s my story and I’m stick to it – what’s yours?


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